Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolving for the New Year

2010 was a fantastic year, but I'm more then looking forward to 2011. The metaphoric fresh start is reason enough to celebrate. That being said, many people will make resolutions they intend to keep but come January 4th you are already slipping into old habits. Story of my life. Here is a small list to keep your goals in perspective and hopefully make it past the first week in January. Have a Happy New Year everyone =D

 Set Realistic Goals

Saying you want to lose 50 pounds may be your end goal, but to make that goal last, set smaller goals to help you achieve that end result. So let's say by the end of January you would like to drop 7 pounds and cut out soda for the month. You end up doing more for yourself in the long haul then by setting one big overwhelming task.

 Confide In Someone

If you are like me, when something is going on in my life I need to share. If your goal is to finish that novel you started writing make yourself accountable to someone. Ask for them to check on you from time to time to make sure you are still writing. Also, set appointments in your planner and write down that you completed the time for the task- scheduling in time to do your goal should be treated no different then going to a doctors office. That way, you set the expectation to do it- no ifs ands or buts!

Celebrate the Victories

It's not easy for anyone to my knowledge to quit smoking and most can't quit cold turkey. when you begin to cut back, reward yourself in other ways, like getting a manicure or taking a hot bath. Congratulate yourself for the small things, it will make the goal less daunting and you will feel better about yourself.

 Love Your Life

While setting resolutions is good, if you fail don't be hard on yourself. You are a wonderful person who is capable of anything. It's like they say on pretty much every motivation poster in the high school counselors office, when you fall down, get right back up. you can do it!